Thursday Redux: Ute Carbone & Sweet Lenora

Author Ute Carbone is the featured author today at Thursday Redux. Ute is the author of numerous romantic comedies and a historical series, Sweet Lenora from Champagne Books. Ute is sharing a character interview with Lenora about All Things Returned (Sweet Lenora #3).

DividerBar428x25 Lenora Boudreaux is the heroine of my historical romance series, Sweet Lenora. The interview with her was originally published at A Passion for Romance on April 15 of this year, just after the third novella of the series, All Things Returned, was released

An Interview with Lenora Boudreaux

Tell us about yourself, please.

I am the daughter of a ship builder and the wife of a sea captain. I am, like it or not, defined by those two men, who have loved me best.

What is it that you want, but cannot have? Authors call this the conflict of the story.

My Aunt Louise often accused me of being a willful child. I suppose there is some truth to this. I should like to make my own mark on the world, perhaps to build a ship like Sweet Lenora and sail upon her with Anton as she breaks the record for speed of sail.  Though that is but a dream and I am happy to stand beside Anton, who is my love and my life, and make a home and a family with him. I will do anything to make this happy life a reality.

What’s your internal limitation? Meaning, what is it about you that makes it so you cannot do what it is you need to do during this story?

When Jacob Lowell first approached me with his threats, I should have told my brother and waited for Anton, who had sailed to Seattle, to come home. I decided I could handle it all on my own. Often, I have difficulty in asking for help, I do not like to appear weak or weak minded.

What inner doubt causes you the most difficulty?

That the past will catch me in its net and destroy my life with Anton. I never doubt his love for me, but I know he is a man of rash action, and when it comes to my honor, he may well defend it to the death. I could not bear it if anything were to happen to him.

What’s your external complication? In the story world your author created, explain what it is you fear most.

I fear losing Anton to his sense of honor. Jacob Lowell has dishonored us and Anton will do anything, including challenge Jacob to a duel. I cannot allow him to do anything so rash as throw away his life over such a one as Jacob Lowell..

Tell us about your significant other, that person who makes living worthwhile.

Anton. Aye, he is tall and dark and fearless. Some call him a scoundrel, I know better. He can be so tender that it makes my heart swell to think on it. I have found in him a love for all my days.

What would that person say about you?

He would no doubt tell you he loves me with all his heart. I know it is true. And he might add that I can be stubborn, which is also true. Thus far, he has forgiven me my stubbornness .

What is your family like?

My heart belongs to Anton, with whom I build my life. My brother Edward is a good man, and his wife Meifeng is the sister of my heart. My father was Robert Brewer, half of the famous Brewer Brothers shipping enterprise. He built many a clipper ship and taught me the trade as well. My Uncle John, the other half of Brewer’s, I have no use for. He is a man given to nefarious practices and will do anything to gain wealth.

What special skills do you rely on?

I should like, very much, to use the ship building skills my father taught me, but as of yet have not had the opportunity.

If someone from your past showed up, who would you NOT want it to be, and why?

The very man who has shown up in this story, Jacob Lowell, and has caused such trouble for Anton and myself.

Are you happy with the way your story ended? Why or why not?

Yes, this part of the story ends well. Though the tale is not yet finished.


All Things Returned (Sweet Lenora #3)

all things returned ebookUteAnton and Lenora Boudreaux have settled into an idyllic cottage overlooking San Francisco Bay. They’ve left trouble behind them and found happily ever after—family, friends, and a business that has every expectation of being successful. Until the Willow sails into port. The captain of Willow, Jacob Lowell, is privy to secrets that threaten Lenora’s reputation and Anton’s life. When Anton sails to Seattle on a business enterprise, Jacob tries to blackmail Lenora, threatening to expose all he knows and forces her to make decisions that will test her love of Anton and her life with him.







Thank you for visiting, Ute. Learn more about Ute, the series, and Lenora HERE.


Filed under Thursday Redux

2 responses to “Thursday Redux: Ute Carbone & Sweet Lenora

  1. Thanks for featuring Lenora on your blog today, Rita

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